Renewable Energy


Explore Geothermal Energy: A sustainable future within reach!

Geothermal energy, by capturing the heat from the Earth's core, has the potential to be a game-changer in the clean energy race. It is a reliable and renewable energy source, and, unlike intermittent solar and wind, is available at all times. The challenge? Accessing the hotter, more powerful geothermal resources that lie deeper underground. TechEnergy Ventures is investing and supporting companies that are working on the three levers that will make geothermal energy competitive anywhere, developing cutting-edge technologies to: > Drill deeper and hotter to produce more power, even reaching supercritical heat (500°C) at depths of 10-20 km with 10x power output! > Harvest heat efficiently: Extracting more energy from rock formations. > Convert geothermal heat into electricity more efficiently These advances could revolutionize geothermal energy, making it a cheap and abundant clean energy source for the future.




ENERGIRON®, the Direct Reduction technology jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli, is designed to use different types of reducing gases sources or pure H2 to reduce iron ores into metallic iron for its use in melting facilities for producing a wide set of high quality steels

Wind Power


Discover how a wind farm is built

Find out more about this key project in our efforts to achieve the energy transition.

Energy Transition


Tenova for ORI Martin: New Consteel and iRecovery

iRecovery® system is the Tenova technology for recovering of the thermal power available in the EAF waste gas and valorize it. In ORI Martin melt shop in Brescia (Italy) the heat from the steelworks is used to produce electricity and heat for the city.



#TenarisInAction: Northern Lights CCUS project

Equinor awarded Tenaris the supply of tubulars for the Northern Lights CO2 transport and storage facilities in Norway. Sheena Martin, Sales Manager Line Pipe North Sea, tells about this milestone project for Tenaris in its energy transition positioning path.



#TenarisInAction: THera™ technology

Michele Sileo, Sales Senior Manager Gas Cylinders, presents THera™, Tenaris proprietary products and materials technology for hydrogen applications



#TenarisInAction: L.A. Port Hydrogen refueling stations project

Learn from Alasdair Beveridge, Sales Manager Gas Cylinders, how Tenaris participated in the milestone development of California's first hydrogen truck refueling network.


TenovaLAB: making future leaps forward

This innovative testing facility for developing highly efficient and low-emission combustion systems features four versatile furnaces that reproduce reheating and heat treatment furnace operating conditions—integrated with Industry 4.0 concepts and automation to reduce emissions significantly.